Theme for the year 2019:
The Relevance of The Gospel in Life:
The New Word from the realm of the angels in our modern lives.
Module 1: The infancy narratives
of the Gospel of Luke in terms of The Isenheim Altar (in
association with Michael Schubert’s Isenheim Altarpiece workshop)
1st to 3rd March 2019
16 participants
16 participants
Rev. Michaël Merle
Rev. Reingard Knausenberger |
Module 2: The infancy narratives
of Matthew in terms of the Zarathustrian Picture — and alongside a comparison with Luke’s Gospel.
5th to 7th April 2019
15 participants
15 participants
Rev. Michaël Merle
Rev. Reingard Knausenberger Rev. Michael Kientzler |
Module 3: From Jesus to Christ
— The Baptismal Picture in the Four Gospels in the light of Religious Renewal.
The Three-year ministry of Jesus, the Christ, begins with the Baptism in the Jordan by John. Here is the confirmation of the anointing of Jesus of Nazareth, who in this extraordinary event is permeated by the Spirit and becomes the Christ (the anointed one). This Africa Seminary module will explore the preparation for this event, the event itself and, also, what it brought about. The time together will allow each participant to discover an ever deeper relationship to the Mystery of the Incarnation - the confirmation of all that had been prepared for this ministry to unfold and the birth of Christ on earth to be fully realised. Through art, conversation and the study of gospel passages from Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, the seminary participants will work with the Baptismal Picture in the heart of the first Sunday of St John's Tide.
28th - 30th June 2019
15 participants
15 participants
Rev. Michaël Merle
Rev. Reingard Knausenberger |
Module 4: From Jesus to Christ
— The three years of the Christ walking the Earth.
This module will explore the years of ministry: the teaching and healing. What do these three years provide?
How are the disciples prepared for what is to come? How do these three years influence the development of Jesus?
The participants will explore, as usual, through artistic activities, including conversations, the depth of meaning in the significance of the three years of the Christ walking the earth. This may lead us to a greater insight into how the Christ-Spirit continues his ongoing work of transforming the human being and the earth.
How are the disciples prepared for what is to come? How do these three years influence the development of Jesus?
The participants will explore, as usual, through artistic activities, including conversations, the depth of meaning in the significance of the three years of the Christ walking the earth. This may lead us to a greater insight into how the Christ-Spirit continues his ongoing work of transforming the human being and the earth.
9th - 11th August
21 participants
21 participants
Rev. Michaël Merle
Rev. Reingard Knausenberger Rev. Steffen Barth |
Module 5: The Unfolding of the Mystery of Golgotha
— Futhering the unity of the Church to which all belong.
In this fifth module of 2019 we begin a two-module discovery of the unfolding Mystery of Golgotha, This Mystery introduces what we can come to understand as the New Mystery following on from the old and semi-old mysteries and the semi-new mysteries. This new path of initiation through the turning point event of time: the resurrection, will be explored through meditative art experiences and reflection. How did the incarnation of Christ change the constitution of the human being and how do we participate in this transformed human experience?
25th - 27th October
17 participants
17 participants
Rev. Michaël Merle
Rev. Reingard Knausenberger |
Module 6: The Unfolding of the Mystery of Golgotha
— The deepening of the relationship to Christ in prayer, meditation, mindfulness and presencing.
Our last module of the year will deepen the work begun in Module 5 and explore the significant impact that the Mystery of Golgotha has had on prayer and meditation. We shall explore the new perspective and experience of mindfulness and presencing in the light of the Resurrection. The artistic approach used in Module 5 will find a fresh meaning as we experience something unfold in our meditative approaches.
Although this module forms the second part of a pair (Modules 5 and 6): The Unfolding of the Mystery of Golgotha, it is possible for someone who is seeking to develop their prayer life and relationship to meditation to join for the first time.
Although this module forms the second part of a pair (Modules 5 and 6): The Unfolding of the Mystery of Golgotha, it is possible for someone who is seeking to develop their prayer life and relationship to meditation to join for the first time.
29th November - 1st December
15 participants
15 participants
Rev. Michaël Merle
Rev. Reingard Knausenberger |