Theme of the year 2021
The modules for 2020 were disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic and government regulations on holding meetings in person.
What key unlocks meaning in every aspect of life?
Have you heard that some are finding meaning in their lives and exploring the deeper significance of things with others? Are there questions you carry for which you have not yet found an answer?
There is a place where people have been gathering and exploring their questions and finding new connections in their lives, amidst the chaos of the world. It is a discovery of the principle of three-f oldness through a practical process of seeing and grasping the world that brings about a deeper inspiration for one’s own life path.
This place is the Africa Seminary of The Christian Community - Movement for Religious Renewal.
It is possible for anyone searching to join this endeavour, and work on discovering the spiritual signature in all creation.
Now, in 2020 interupted by COVID and expended into 2021 six new weekend modules are planned to explore the theme of: What key unlocks meaning in every aspect of life?
There are no expectations of qualifying or passing grades within the Africa Seminary - this is a path of self-development and discovery, and it will unfold for each as it must. Some participants may be exploring the question of the role of priesthood and spiritual life.
Modules for 2021 - a continuation from 2020
Unlocking the Open Secret -
The Basics ...
The Basics ...
Module 1
19 – 22 March:
... through the development of the human being in utero and what this reveals.
We shall explore the path of embryology in reference to the process of creation, following Genesis Chapters 1 to 4.
In 2020 we began a process of applying Goethean observation (a perspective that uses an ancient method that has been systematized over the centuries, and now is infused with a spiritual scientific insight inspired by Goethe’s natural science) to various aspects of life on earth. This module will allow us to continue this work and to apply it to the developing human being at a time of new earthly beginnings: embryology.
We shall use artistic activities to further our insights and help us to deepen an appreciation for recapitulation, neoteny, gender development and soul expression. This will advance our perspective on the working of the Divine in human nature. Our image and likeness is a reflection of the Divine. This module will bring us closer to understanding the significance of this reality.
In 2020 we began a process of applying Goethean observation (a perspective that uses an ancient method that has been systematized over the centuries, and now is infused with a spiritual scientific insight inspired by Goethe’s natural science) to various aspects of life on earth. This module will allow us to continue this work and to apply it to the developing human being at a time of new earthly beginnings: embryology.
We shall use artistic activities to further our insights and help us to deepen an appreciation for recapitulation, neoteny, gender development and soul expression. This will advance our perspective on the working of the Divine in human nature. Our image and likeness is a reflection of the Divine. This module will bring us closer to understanding the significance of this reality.
Module 2
25 - 27 June
... through reading in the book of the plant world about life, growth and metamorphosis.
It is to Goethe’s credit that he developed a scientific method of observation which develops an ability to observe the formative forces underlying the world of plants and which bind all plants into a meaningful totality. Goethe’s research showed him that “every process in nature rightly observed, wakens in us a new organ of cognition.”
In the different botanical studies we will be undertaking during this module we will endeavour to stimulate a perceptual and conceptual comprehension of life in nature. We will discover the twelve-fold signature of life in the form-world of plants as a dynamic element and following Rudolf Steiner’s indications acquire a comprehensive overview of the twelve plant groups at hand of the cosmic influences of the Zodiac. The Divine expression in creation will thus be explored and considered.
In the different botanical studies we will be undertaking during this module we will endeavour to stimulate a perceptual and conceptual comprehension of life in nature. We will discover the twelve-fold signature of life in the form-world of plants as a dynamic element and following Rudolf Steiner’s indications acquire a comprehensive overview of the twelve plant groups at hand of the cosmic influences of the Zodiac. The Divine expression in creation will thus be explored and considered.
Module 3
13 - 15 August 2021
... through animal life as the expression of movement and feeling.
It is to Goethe’s credit that he developed a scientific method of observation which develops an ability to observe the formative forces underlying the world of plants and which bind all plants into a meaningful totality. Goethe’s research showed him that “every process in nature rightly observed, awakens in us a new organ of cognition.” This method of observation is also applicable to the world of animals.
In the different zoological studies we will be undertaking during this module we will endeavour to stimulate a perceptual and conceptual comprehension of life in nature. We will discover the twelve-fold signature of life in the activity-world of animals as a dynamic element and following Rudolf Steiner’s indications acquire a comprehensive overview of the twelve animal groups at hand of the cosmic influences of the Zodiac. The Divine expression in creation was thus explored and considered.
In the different zoological studies we will be undertaking during this module we will endeavour to stimulate a perceptual and conceptual comprehension of life in nature. We will discover the twelve-fold signature of life in the activity-world of animals as a dynamic element and following Rudolf Steiner’s indications acquire a comprehensive overview of the twelve animal groups at hand of the cosmic influences of the Zodiac. The Divine expression in creation was thus explored and considered.
Module 4
23 - 26 September
... through human evolution and the development of consciousness that gives voice to human freedom.
This module will be considering the evolution of the human being: an anthropological study at hand of a Goethean Observation that brings the insights of Anthroposophy into focus.
The cost of the module is R500, and the Thursday evening and Sunday morning talks are open to all for which a donation is requested. To register click Sign up on the main menu.
The Module will begin on Thursday, 23 September in the evening at 18h00 with a light meal followed by the opening talk at 19h00. This talk is open to anyone, also to people not intending to participate in the full module at a cost of R50. Friday 24 September will begin at 08h00 until 17h00. Saturday 25 September will begin with the Act of Consecration of Man at 08h00 so that the work of the module can begin at 09h30. The Saturday will finish before 16h45. Sunday may begin with a guided meditation or session before 09h00 which the participants will agree upon on Saturday. The talk at 11h30 on Sunday 26 September is again open to everyone with the expectation that a donation will be made for the talk. The module will finish on Sunday, at 15h00.
The cost of the module is R500, and the Thursday evening and Sunday morning talks are open to all for which a donation is requested. To register click Sign up on the main menu.
The Module will begin on Thursday, 23 September in the evening at 18h00 with a light meal followed by the opening talk at 19h00. This talk is open to anyone, also to people not intending to participate in the full module at a cost of R50. Friday 24 September will begin at 08h00 until 17h00. Saturday 25 September will begin with the Act of Consecration of Man at 08h00 so that the work of the module can begin at 09h30. The Saturday will finish before 16h45. Sunday may begin with a guided meditation or session before 09h00 which the participants will agree upon on Saturday. The talk at 11h30 on Sunday 26 September is again open to everyone with the expectation that a donation will be made for the talk. The module will finish on Sunday, at 15h00.
The talk on Friday evening is open to all who are interested, even if they are not able to join the module.
Click the 'Sign up' tab to register for one or more modules.
Click the 'Sign up' tab to register for one or more modules.
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