Module 2: Cosmology
- a picture of the development of the world and a deeper understanding of the Sacrament of Confirmation
Participants in module 2
Review of Africa Seminary Module 2: Cosmology — a picture of the development of the world and a deeper understanding of the Sacrament of Confirmation
by Elmarie Vuren
On Friday evening, 27th April, 17 participants gathered for the opening of module 2 of the Africa Seminary with a foundational presentation by Rev. Michaël Merle about Cosmic evolution and the words “… in all cycles of time …” and “… in all cycles of the Earth to come …” that we hear in the Act of Consecration of Man sacrament.
Generally speaking we have a linear concept of time but the ancient Vedics had a cyclical concept of time consisting of infinitely repeating, creating and dissolving cycles. Each cycle spans 4,320 million years and each cycle contains 4 Eons, and each Eon consists of 4 Yugas. Most recent of these, according to Rudolf Steiner, is the Kali Yuga which ended in the early 1900s when a new awareness in our grasping of the Spirit started.
The discussion then focused on Creation, the Creator Beings and the Spiritual Hierarchies: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Kyriotetes, Dynamis, Elohim, Archai, Archangels, Angels and lastly, the human being. The Thrones were active in the unfolding of the Old Saturn time and in order to bring about creation, something of themselves needed to be sacrificed. This had to be offered freely. The sacrifice that was accepted was taken up by the Archai, whereas the sacrifice that was not accepted, resulted in Archai that became frozen in their development, which are referred to as the Azuras. In the same way each subsequent cycle of time involved a sacrifice. The Kyriotetes were active in the unfolding of Old Sun, the Dynamis in the unfolding of the Old Moon cycle, and the Elohim in the unfolding of the present Earth cycle.
In the question and answer section, the idea of sacrifice was discussed as forming an integral part of the creation of the cosmos. In essence it means “to make sacred” rather than the commonly held idea of “having to give up something that we like, unwillingly”. It is however, a free will activity out of love for something else to be created or something new to arise or come in. Another way of putting it might be “to freely offer something of myself that can be grown into something greater, or better, or more beautiful, for the greater good of humanity”.
Saturday was a day of deepening our grasp of the topic through conversation and manifold exercises.
The presentation after the Service on Sunday morning turned to the next evolutionary epoch to come. In the current cultural epoch, humanity is developing the consciousness soul to overcome materialism and to prepare the kind of spiritual science needed for the future. The following three characteristics of the future were described as:
There is a strong link between the transition from childhood to youth around 14 years, the young persons’ awakening ability to think spiritual thoughts, Confirmation and the Mystery of Golgotha - death, resurrection, ascension and the sending of the Holy Spirit.
It has been an enriching time where many topics were introduced, and a sound foundation laid for further individual learning.
On Friday evening, 27th April, 17 participants gathered for the opening of module 2 of the Africa Seminary with a foundational presentation by Rev. Michaël Merle about Cosmic evolution and the words “… in all cycles of time …” and “… in all cycles of the Earth to come …” that we hear in the Act of Consecration of Man sacrament.
Generally speaking we have a linear concept of time but the ancient Vedics had a cyclical concept of time consisting of infinitely repeating, creating and dissolving cycles. Each cycle spans 4,320 million years and each cycle contains 4 Eons, and each Eon consists of 4 Yugas. Most recent of these, according to Rudolf Steiner, is the Kali Yuga which ended in the early 1900s when a new awareness in our grasping of the Spirit started.
The discussion then focused on Creation, the Creator Beings and the Spiritual Hierarchies: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Kyriotetes, Dynamis, Elohim, Archai, Archangels, Angels and lastly, the human being. The Thrones were active in the unfolding of the Old Saturn time and in order to bring about creation, something of themselves needed to be sacrificed. This had to be offered freely. The sacrifice that was accepted was taken up by the Archai, whereas the sacrifice that was not accepted, resulted in Archai that became frozen in their development, which are referred to as the Azuras. In the same way each subsequent cycle of time involved a sacrifice. The Kyriotetes were active in the unfolding of Old Sun, the Dynamis in the unfolding of the Old Moon cycle, and the Elohim in the unfolding of the present Earth cycle.
In the question and answer section, the idea of sacrifice was discussed as forming an integral part of the creation of the cosmos. In essence it means “to make sacred” rather than the commonly held idea of “having to give up something that we like, unwillingly”. It is however, a free will activity out of love for something else to be created or something new to arise or come in. Another way of putting it might be “to freely offer something of myself that can be grown into something greater, or better, or more beautiful, for the greater good of humanity”.
Saturday was a day of deepening our grasp of the topic through conversation and manifold exercises.
The presentation after the Service on Sunday morning turned to the next evolutionary epoch to come. In the current cultural epoch, humanity is developing the consciousness soul to overcome materialism and to prepare the kind of spiritual science needed for the future. The following three characteristics of the future were described as:
- The well-being of the individual will depend entirely on the well-being of the community where a common consciousness will hold humanity. We will strive towards a new sense of what we have been seeking as humankind – a true brotherhood.
- A longing for complete freedom of thought and our own individual sense of spirituality and religion. To be free in our own thinking about our beliefs and religious perspective, and to be in a community where this is valued.
- Human beings will only be considered to have true knowledge when they have a deep understanding of the spiritual truths of the super-sensible world behind all materiality. This is the soil from whence the healthy community of individuals can be born and nurtured.
There is a strong link between the transition from childhood to youth around 14 years, the young persons’ awakening ability to think spiritual thoughts, Confirmation and the Mystery of Golgotha - death, resurrection, ascension and the sending of the Holy Spirit.
It has been an enriching time where many topics were introduced, and a sound foundation laid for further individual learning.
An exercise of module 2
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