In 2024 the home of the Africa Seminary moved from Johannesburg, South Africa to Cape Town, South Africa.
One will become aware when looking at the history of the Africa Seminary that at first the modules were held in different location, largely to suit the participants. The Africa Seminary then found a home with the Johannesburg congregation of The Christian Community. It has now moved to be located in the Cape Town congregation of The Christian Community in Plumstead, Cape Town
One will become aware when looking at the history of the Africa Seminary that at first the modules were held in different location, largely to suit the participants. The Africa Seminary then found a home with the Johannesburg congregation of The Christian Community. It has now moved to be located in the Cape Town congregation of The Christian Community in Plumstead, Cape Town
Theme of the year 2024/5
The Festivals as a path of healing and development
Module 1
Friday evening 8 August to Sunday 11 August
Advent to Epiphany
Our focus this weekend was on the first three festivals of the Christian year: Advent, Christmas and Epiphany; which may also be understood in light of everything that lies behind the words "The Father God Be in us".
Module 2
Friday 28 evening to Sunday 30 March 2025
Passiontide, Easter and Ascension
Module 3
Friday 12 evening to Sunday 14 September 2025
Whitsun, St. Johns and Michaelmas
Format of each module
- Friday evening - Light supper, followed by a welcome and Introductory Talk on the Theme
- Saturday - beginning with the Act of Consecration of Man, followed by 4x sessions to explore the theme in more depth through artistic exercises and conversation
- Sunday - Service with the Community, followed by a collecting/harvest of how far we have come over the weekend; and a final closing round.
The fee for each Module is R550 per person. Click RSVP on the menu abobe to register.
Please make contact to discuss an alternative if the recommended cost would prevent you from attending.
The fee goes towards covering catering and material costs; any surplus is added to the Priest Training fund.
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